What I Believe
GOD: I believe in one God revealed in the three Persons of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is the Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and He is holy, righteous, and merciful. The Son of God is Jesus Christ, who is both fully God and fully man, the means of our salvation and the keeper of our souls. The Holy Spirit is God’s helper, who convicts, encourages, gives wisdom, leads us to the Father, lives inside us, and seals our salvation.
MANKIND AND SALVATION: Man is created in the image of God, but man has chosen to sin against God, and we are now separated from Him. As a result, only through the sacrifice made on the cross by the perfect Lamb of God (Jesus Christ) can we now be saved. Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. So, if we confess that we are sinners and repent, believing in our hearts that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the tomb, we are saved.
GOD’S WORD: I believe that the Bible is God’s word, inerrant, infallible, and fully inspired by God, and is the only infallible rule for our faith and practice.
OUR PURPOSE: We are called to preach the Gospel message to the ends of the earth, to share what Jesus has done on the cross so that all might be saved and come to repentance. We are called to worship God in spirit and truth, following and obeying His word so that we may become more like Christ. We are called to live every aspect of our lives in obedience to God’s word by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Worship Portfolio
Live Worship • Studio Recordings • Resume • Bio
Original Music/Studio Albums
Songs Of Praise And Worship
- You Are Here Edward M. Melendez 4:53
- If You Believe Edward M. Melendez 4:18
- Abba Father Edward M. Melendez 3:46
- Higher And Higher Edward M. Melendez 5:45
- Sailing Sam Edward M. Melendez 5:48
- Winter In The Sky Edward M. Melendez 2:05
- Ancient of Days Edward M. Melendez 4:25
- When The Angels Come Edward M. Melendez 5:43
- Light Of The World Edward M. Melendez 3:09
- After The Rain Edward M. Melendez 5:31
- Find Your Way Edward M. Melendez 4:22
- Jessica's Song Edward M. Melendez 2:56
- House Of Prayer Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 3:49
- All Of My Hungry Heart Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 4:13
- Jesus My Redeemer Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 4:36
- Bright And Morning Star Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 3:26
- Let The Earth Rejoice Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 3:49
- Have I Told You Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 4:03
- In Your Courts Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 4:04
- Ticket To Heave Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 3:52
- Jesus My Love Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 3:03
- Ancient Of Days Calvary Chapel Huntington Beach 4:21
- Love Falls Like The Rain Hannaford Street 3:20
- You Are Worthy, Hallelujah Hannaford Street 2:00
- Never Ceasing, Is Your Love Hannaford Street 3:58
- Mighty Is The King Hannaford Street 4:12
- They Don't Know You Hannaford Street 4:02
- Worthy Is The Lamb Of Glory Hannaford Street 3:08
- Sing A Song Hannaford Street 3:23
- Love Falls Like The Rain (Acoustic) Hannaford Street 3:20
- I'll Run To You Ed Melendez 3:47
- Everlasting God Ed Melendez 4:04
- I Am Rich (In Christ My King) Ed Melendez 4:27
- One Thing Remains Ed Melendez 5:34
- Revelation Song Ed Melendez 3:51
- Revive Us Again Ed Melendez 4:21
- Come Thou Fount Ed Melendez 3:51
- Perfect Grace Ed Melendez 4:18
- Salt and Light Ed Melendez 4:14
- Overwhelmed Ed Melendez 5:43